Update #5 - Los Angeles Events!
almost 6 years ago
– Thu, May 16, 2019 at 10:41:22 PM
As we enter the final week of our Kickstarter for Upstaged, we will be at a couple local events in the next few days to demo the game and have some fun!
Friday, May 17th, 7:00pm, $5.00 admission
The Parlor: Board Game Night
The Studio
2021 E. 38th St.,
Vernon, CA
We will be having an Upstaged competition with prizes, so come out, learn how to play Upstaged if you haven’t already, and then enter the competition to win some sweet board games!
Monday, May 20th, FREE!
Aladdin - A Themed Board Game Party
Scum & Villainy Cantina
6377 Hollywood Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA
Come to the Players Wanted Meetup by High Voltage at the awesome Star Wars-themed Scum & Villainy Cantina! It is an Aladdin themed night, so if you come dressed for the part, you get a free raffle ticket! Yeah, we know, Upstaged doesn’t match Aladdin, but maybe we can all just sing songs from Aladdin while playing Upstaged. We will have one of the tables reserved for us, so come by and say hello.
So, hopefully we’ll see you at one of these events, and there may be more events that we will be going to in this last week as well. Thanks again!
- Mike
Update #4 - Upstaged Has Reached $5,000!
almost 6 years ago
– Thu, May 02, 2019 at 02:17:58 PM
Yesterday, Upstaged reached its minimum funding goal of $5,000! THANK YOU to all the backers that have made this possible thus far! We are super excited, blessed, humbled, still anxious, but extremely happy, and none of this would have been possible without YOU!
As Promised...Song Request Night on Facebook Live!
Tonight, starting at around 8:30pm PST, I will be on Facebook live via the Upstaged Board Game page playing piano, singing, and taking song requests from everyone who checks out the channel! Just join the chat live and I’ll try to do as many song requests as I can. We’ll go until my voice gives out (or longer), or whenever Jeanne and I are about to pass out.
Go to the following page to join the live jam session at 8:30pm PST:
Now What?
There are still 21 days in the campaign remaining. So what happens now? Well, we continue to raise funds so that the game lands in more peoples’ hands around the world. Also, we introduce Stretch Goals!
Stretch Goals!
For those not familiar with Kickstarter and especially board games on Kickstarter, often times campaigns include Stretch Goals. After the minimum funding amount is reached, you not only want to keep the excitement going, but, especially in our case, you want to try to improve the quality of the components of the product.
Q: As a current backer, what do I have to do to make these stretch goals happen?
A: You’ve already pledged and are helping make the game a reality, so just spread the word! The higher the number of people backing the game, the higher our total amount goes, and we can afford to add these component upgrades to Upstaged!
If you’re in the Los Angeles area, we will be showing off Upstaged live at The Parlor: Board Game Night. Earn raffle tickets by playing Upstaged! Raffles for games will happen every hour starting at 8pm!
Friday, May 3rd, 7:00pm, $5.00 admission
The Studio, 2021 E. 38th St., Vernon, CA
* you can find more info on Meetup.com - The Parlor: Board Game Night
So. Until next week or until we hit something major again, take care, and play more games!
- Mike
Update #3 - Week 2 Recap and Upcoming Events
almost 6 years ago
– Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 11:46:12 PM
As of this writing we are 83% funded — a little over $800 to go until we reach our funding goal! Are we excited, nervous, scared? The answer is, “yes!” Haha. Personally, Live TV Mode gets me all worked up. So THANK YOU for everything you’ve done so far, and keep spreading the word to help make Upstaged a reality!
Please share the link with those who you think will enjoy the game!
If you’re in the Los Angeles area, we will be showing off Upstaged live at the following events in the next few weeks:
Saturday, April 27th
Kubla! NOW!!
Holiday Inn, Burbank, CA
10am to 9pm
* this is a playtest event where we will be solidifying minor, yet very worthwhile changes :)
Friday, May 3rd
The Parlor: Board Game Night
The Studio
2021 E. 38th St.,
Vernon, CA
Earn raffle tickets by playing Upstaged! Raffles for games will happen every hour starting at 8pm!
* you can find more info on Meetup.com - The Parlor: Board Game Night
- More events, both live in person and online!
- A video playthrough of the game!
Anyways, keep spreading the word about Upstaged, and thank you again for your support!
- Mike and the Koalatie Team
Update #2 - 73%, Meet the Team, and Unfiltered Gamer
almost 6 years ago
– Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 02:36:56 PM
$3,675 Raised, 73% funded, 140 Backers
We’re almost there! Those that have backed games on Kickstarter before know the deal, but for those that are new, here’s how it usually goes. Now that the initial rush of hardcore supporters have pledged, things slow down significantly, as expected. The slow climb begins, and hopefully we’ll get a big rush at the end.
Meet the Team
No one person can do this sort of thing alone. Luckily, there have been people along the way who have contributed a lot to Upstaged, and many, many more who have given advice or playtested the game.
You may have noticed that a majority of the team are people of color. We are also of different gender identities. Overall, as minorities, we agree that the root of what we want is to feel like we belong. To be included. We realize that with Upstaged we have an opportunity to go beyond diversity — to be inclusive and to find things we have in common.
To accomplish that within Upstaged, we made a conscious decision to use silhouettes, though it may not go with the popular trend of having amazingly intricate and detailed art, especially for a Kickstarter game. Yeah, we did luck out in that the silhouettes work well within a classic music motif. But seriously, we sincerely hope that you can identify a little bit of yourselves and the ones you love within these silhouettes, regardless of your color, ethnicity or gender.
So hopefully you’ll join us in finding common ground with each other through Upstaged.
(And yes, the above information is also on the Kickstarter main page and the FAQ, but I feel it is important, as it certainly had a hand in influencing many decisions throughout the development of Upstaged)
Special shoutouts to Ferdinand Capitulo for the amazing work on the video trailer at the top of the Kickstarter page and the animated gifs, along with Pete McPherson and his guidance on the rulebook.
Unfiltered Gamer
On a less serious note, on Wednesday, 4/18/19, I had the opportunity to showcase Upstaged on Facebook Live via Unfiltered Gamer. Over 50 people were tuned in at various times, which I hear is amazing for Facebook Live + board games. We played both the Rehearsal Mode and Live TV Mode. I lost Live TV Mode horribly. Loser had to sing. So I sang “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” I couldn’t hide behind my piano so naturally, it sucked more than usual. I should have sang “The Alphabet Song” instead. That’s more in my range.
Anyways, here’s the link, assuming it’s still available. You get to see both games played all the way through.
Well, that’s enough for today. Have fun this weekend, play more board games, and spread the love that is Upstaged!
(or Myke with a “y” if you prefer, or “Muke” as someone referred to either me or Michael Wright as on the Facebook Live commentary).
Day One - Off to a Strong Start!
almost 6 years ago
– Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 06:29:57 PM
We had a great first day with 104 backers and $2,782 pledged, which is 55% of our funding goal. And, of course, it wouldn’t be possible without all of YOU! Here’s a few highlights!
- Watching as my wife, Jeanne, who happens to be my biggest supporter, try to be the first to pledge and ending up being #4. Losing never feels good, except for in this case when you realize other people are excited to see your dreams come to life as soon as possible.
- Getting ready to kick the campaign into overdrive in the late morning, only to have our Internet service fail for an hour. I had a fun conversation with Alisa from our Internet provider, though.
- Having garlic breath and a garlic headache after lunch, then trying to look at three computer screens. Worth it.
Okay. Those doesn’t sound like highlights. But it’s all how you look at it. I was just happy and thankful to get this off the ground and be able to communicate with a lot of you awesome people throughout the day.
What’s next? Well, DAY 2!
Today I’ll be a guest on Unfiltered Gamer’s Facebook Live Stream from 7:30pm - 9:30pm along with John D. Clair. We’ll be playing Upstaged along with John’s new Space Base expansion. If you haven’t played Space Base, you’re missing out! Tune in and join the chat!
Alrighty. Enough for now. Just a heads up, I won’t be sending out updates every day. You know, day job, right? But I will be updating at least once a week and during major milestones. And yes, I will still take song requests and sing and play them live on Facebook once we hit $5,000.
Again, THANK YOU for an awesome first day!